
New York and California Are the Most Promiscuous States

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Sep 11, 2013 05:00 PM EDT

New Yorkers and Californians are the most promiscuous people in the United States, according to a new survey.

The poll, which involved 1,660 singles aged 18 and over, revealed that people from the east and west coast state were more likely to have sex on the first date than those in the other 48 states.

People living in the two states were also more likely to have dated multiple people at the same time.

New Yorkers and Californians were also more likely to feel like it is okay for a person to lose their virginity between the ages of 15 and 18. However, over 7 percent said admitted that they were 14 years old or younger when they lost their virginity, according to the poll conducted by Business Insider.

People in California were significantly more likely to have dated a member of another race, while New Yorkers were more likely to have dated someone with different religious beliefs.

The poll also found that singles from New York and California were more likely to support gay marriage.

However, the poll revealed that people in California and New York were less inclined to date their colleagues.

'"Guess H.R. departments are more aggressive in the Empire State," Business Insider said.

The poll included 138 respondents from New York and 214 respondents in California. 

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